Looking back on a good week
It's been a few days since I lost posted, but really that's mainly because there's been nothing too exciting too write about. Don't get me wrong - it's been a boring week - far from it. But there's only so many times I can say I had a good day at work in amazing scenery like this
Writing this as I am in my hotel room for the final night I can't help but feel very mixed. Yes - I'm going home to see my wife and family again after a week apart. That's really good. But I have had an outstanding week here in the BVI and have really enjoyed spending time in my work's office here.
So let's look back because actually it has been quite eventful. During the week I have grown quite a liking for the atmosphere over at the Tortola Sports Club. It's just been very relaxed there and the food is pretty fine too - and definitely good value. The food down here around the hotel is lovely, but very very expensive. Strangely the beer is quite cheap and something seems a little bit wrong about that.
While I've been here Tropical Storm Isaac has blown through. It absolutely threw it down Wednesday night and to a lesser extent yesterday. On Wednesday there was a fair amount of fear about what it was going to bring and whether it was going to actually be a hurricane but it moved away and really wasn't too bad in the grand scheme of things. The most impact it had on me was that the sports club was closed on Wednesday night so it was back to Charlies' in the hotel for overpriced but delicious food. Just as I was finishing up the rain started blowing into the restaurant but I'd timed that well.
Last night I went out with some of the team from work and had an excellent night at Bananakeet - the 5th best restaurant on the island (it says here - I won't argue). The food was outstanding even if some of us ordered a tomato soup and they sneaked under us something else entirely. It was still delicious and it all comes still with so much charm and hospitality it's really hard to complain.
I was also introduced to two new drinks. Firstly, the local speciality is apparently the Painkiller. This was definitely lovely - two of those did very nicely thank you very much. Then after the mail I had a Bushwacker - having just seen the apparent recipe for it, I'm pretty sure it didn't taste like that. Pretty reminiscent of baileys and ice cream actually - but yeah ok that was never likely to be the actual recipe.
Today I finally got to have a bit of a wander into town, but it's not really the sort of place we'd normally go to. Not really any great shopping to speak of, but if anything that makes the whole place better. Just a genuine honest beautiful town.
But very much on the plus side it's just a very pleasant nice town. Definitely not quiet in the day time and definitely not at all threatening. I do wish I'd had the opportunity to explore a little bit more and maybe if I come again (and I hope I do) I'd hire a bike or something and get out and about.
So that's about it for now. Next event is leaving the hotel around 11ish tomorrow morning to head for the airport and the first of four more flights. The overnight flight will be a funny one - it's not just overnight but it's overnight with the 5 hour time difference coming back so if I sleep 12 till 8 like i might normally do I'll only be getting 3 hours sleep. Looking forward to Sunday night though so must get more.
Looking forward to Sunday generally actually. But again I have to say that's not a slight on the BVI at all. It's been excellent (weather aside) and I really do hope I can bring the family back here sometime. On club class again preferably too!!
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